Trump Keeps Quiet As Police Credit Sikh Immigrant With Capturing NYC Bomber

Trump Keeps Quiet As Police Credit Sikh Immigrant With Capturing NYC Bomber

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump recently blamed America’s open immigration policy as the main reason behind the recent explosion in Chelsea, NYC. Trump was out and about at rallies and on FOX News saying that by letting Syrian refugees into the USA we risk facing more of these terror attacks in the future.

Trump went on to criticize Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton for her more favorable view of open immigration and helping Syrian refugees. The Republican nominee went on to say that many of the Muslim immigrants have nothing but contempt in their hearts for the USA and they should be properly vetted by immigration authorities before being allowed to integrate into American society.

However, it was recently discovered that the man responsible for catching the NYC bomber was an immigrant himself. Harinder Bains owns the bar in NYC where Ahmad Rahami, the man responsible for the Chelsea bomb that injured over 20 people, was found sleeping. While Rahami was sleeping, Bains recognized his face from a picture CNN showed on the televsion. Bains immediately called the police and was able to bring Rahami to justice.

Bains is a naturalized American citizen and a man devoted to the Sikh faith. For those who are unaware, Sikhism is a religion that developed in South Asia around the 15th century. Sikhs believe in one creator God and they believe it is our duty to meditate on the unity of all creation and to strive for social justice in our surroundings.

When interviewed by the media, Bains said that he did what any other responsible American citizen would have done in his place. Bains went on to say that his Sikh faith teaches him to always strive to promote peace and justice in this world. His faith also teaches him to denounce any and every act of violence and terror.

Bains’ heroic story and identity has not been mentioned by Mr. Trump in his recent remarks. Also, Trump has failed to mention that the current estimate for being killed by a refugee terrorist attack is 1 in 3.6 billion. The Democrats are hopeful that all Americans are beginning to see how Trump’s rhetoric may be drawing the people of the United States even further apart than the actions of a few isolated radicalized terrorists.

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