This Billionaire GOPer Thinks All 2 Billion Muslims Should Be Held Acceptable For Terror Attacks

This Billionaire GOPer Thinks All 2 Billion Muslims Should Be Held Acceptable For Terror Attacks

Right-winger and CEO of Fox Rupert Murdoch applies the insane logic that an entire race of people should be held accountable for the actions of a few. Rupert Murdoch announce on Twitter recently, “Maybe most muslims are peaceful, but until they recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer they must be held responsible.”

After he posted this, Twitter blew up calling the Fox CEO idiotic and some even wishing death upon him. Murdoch and Fox News have never been one to shy away from building flames and hatred from the people.

Though they refuse to apply their same logic on Christians and white Americans, only using it on races of color. Jared and Amanda Miller were seen armed with multiple weapons and displayed a Gadsden flag proudly over their initial victims.

They were members of the tea party and denizens Bundy Ranch. But these members were not violent, bloodthirsty criminals in the eyes of Murdoch and Fox News. They were considered patriots and refused to acknowledged them as the things they were – monsters.

Rupert Murdoch posted another Twitter update saying, “Big jihadist looming everywhere from Philippines to Africa to Europe to US. Political correctness makes for denial and hypocrisy.”

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