Genius Cat Uses Sign Language To Interact With Its Deaf Owner. I Had To See This To Believe It

Many people are deaf across the globe. Communication can be tough because people cannot hear. People who are deaf often own pets. A man who owns a cat decided that he would not let his disability stop him from being able to speak to his beloved cat. He took the initiative to take time out to help his precious feline learn how about sign language.

The two lovingly use sign language so that they can have a conversation. Other deaf pet owners can benefit from the viral video that was posted. Many people assume that animals cannot learn how to sign. The video clearly illustrates how they can because they begin to understand what each sign means. This can be very helpful for children who want to learn about sign language.

If a child can see a video of a cat using sign language and they are deaf, then they often might feel more encouraged to learn sign language themselves.

It is important for people to understand more about how deaf people communicate. Sign language can be very helpful to learn because people will encounter deaf people that might need to be informed of something. Hopefully, the man and his cat can inspire others to learn more about the deaf community.

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