If You Only See One More Ice Bucket Challenge Video You Owe It To Your Self To Watch This One!

In this video, a little girl’s parents had her take the ice bucket challenge.

This is a global craze where participant’s gets video recorded while being doused with ice cold water. The video is then uploaded to social media and after 24 hours, they and any supporters are allowed to make donations to the local chapter of a charity supporting research into a cure for Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Already celebrities and dignitaries such as former president George W. Bush have taken the challenge. Bush was doused by his wife Laura.

As stated, this cute English little girl was unwittingly was nominated by her parents. As she sat in a plastic green seat singing away with those ad hoc melodies children utter from an abundance of joy in their hearts, a man (presumably her father) walks up to her and pours the icy water on her head.

At first, she cringes and bends over from the shock of the water hitting her. Afterwards, she rises from the seat and exasperates that the water gave her an “ow!” which pain she describes with an expletive that rhymes with the word “trucking” all amid the laughter of those around her.

Admittedly, the video was all the more endearing owing to her Cockney accent. That said, not everyone has been pleased with the clip. Some parents have taken offense at whole video. It’s brief, but is NSFW due to the unexpected expletive the little girl utters. The video’s creator emphasizes it was all in good fun.

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