VIDEO: This Blind Kitty Was Given A Toy For The First Time, What Happened Next Is ADORABLE!

When a person who is blind is given something for the first time, such as a new piece of clothing, the person has to use other sense in order to determine what it might look like, how it feels and depending on the item, what it smells like. A blind cat was recently given toys for the first time.

The experience was captured on film, and it will melt the hearts of those who view the kitten playing. The kitten’s name is Oskar.

All he wants to do is play with toys that other cats can play with, such as balls and string.

The cat was adopted by someone who wanted him in their home. The new owners decided to give the cat some new toys to see what he would do with them. One of the things that the family purchased was a ball with a bell inside so that Oskar could hear the toy as he was playing.

The cat wasn’t too sure about what to think about the ball, but he soon discovered it with his paw and started to move it back and forth. He becomes more playful through the video, finally standing on his back feet to play like other cats.

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