VIDEO: It’s Hard To Impress, But This Completely Blew Me Away. AWESOME!

New York City, New York – Anyone can take the streets in this thriving metropolis and try their hand at making a dollar with their skills. While most visitors might expect to encounter street artists, mimes or dancers, one person is both a puppeteer and performer.

He is Ricky Syers. His skill at making his own wooden puppets is surprising enough. The puppet of an elderly hobo shows incredible detail in the wood. The old geezer looks very lifelike. If that weren’t enough, Syers can bring his marionettes to life with his seemingly sentient movements.

In the video, the master puppeteer is shown making his geezer puppet dance just like a spry old man would before two thrilled little girls. Next, an elderly woman has the puppet resting on the palm of her hand while it seemingly dances along to her utter astonishment. Other tourists are seen video recording the puppet’s dance movements on their smartcamera’s while the old timer dances away. Adding to the zest of the video is the music accompaniment of Cuba’s most popular folk song “Guantanamera”.

In another scene, Syers is shown making the old timer sit on a specially made small park bench while it takes a puff off its cigarette and a swig from its jar of spirits.

After taking a swig, it wipes its mouth off on its arm just as living person would do. The puppet continues its drinking binge and is later seen laying on the ground drunk as it helplessly takes yet another swig.

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