See What The Pope Just Said That Has Conservatives Acting Psycho

See What The Pope Just Said That Has Conservatives Acting Psycho

Republicans have been bashing Pope Francis since he took papacy last year. They are at it again after he suggests that wealth be redistributed to help the poor during a meeting in Rome this week with the UN. Pope Francis stated that taking strides towards equality and economic progress is through “the legitimate redistribution of economic benefits by the state, as well as indispensable cooperation between the private sector and civil society.”

Republicans have called him a Marxist and a Socialist, as if name calling will stop him from being humane. However, Pope Francis shrugs off the Republicans, doing what he believes is truly “Christian” and humanitarian. Last year in December, Fox News even dedicated an entire article – ‘Pope Francis is the Catholic Church’s Obama – God help us’ – bashing the Pope just nine months after his tenure.

Sean Hannity, a Catholic Republican, has openly criticized the Pope’s decision to help the poor. Hannity stated that he is “not happy about this.” He even went on to further insult and lecture Pope Francis on how to live life according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. As if Pope Francis was not knowledgeable of his own faith and religion.

Catholic Republicans are are not handling Pope Francis’s ideas of helping the poor very well, particularly due to the fact that he wants “redistribution”. After all, the teachings of Jesus Christ involve helping the poor and needy. Now they have to decide to follow Paul Ryan or the Pope, God’s Representation on Earth.

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