Woman Honked At An Off-Duty Cop Who Cut Her Off, His Reaction Will Make You Sick

Woman Honked At An Off-Duty Cop Who Cut Her Off, His Reaction Will Make You Sick

Road rage is becoming more and more common as drivers are very impatient to get to their intended destinations. In Houston, a woman learned this fact all too well when she became a road rage victim not from just any fellow driver, but a police officer whose sworn job it is to serve and protect people in the city.

The event transpired when the woman was cut off by an officer named Kenneth Kaplan while she was operating her motor vehicle on a stretch of road referred to as the 610 Loop. This angered her so she maneuvered her vehicle into another lane and then paid him back by cutting him off as well. What happened next is similar to something that you would see in an action drama movie as the man allegedly drove his car right next to hers and then put his window down and shot her in the head.

The woman was understandably shocked and afraid that this was happening to her. Her main thought was that she was going to lose her life during the violent incident. Luckily, the round that was fired at her just grazed her head and she did not sustain serious injuries as a result of the shooting.

The Harris County Constable’s Office did have to release a statement about the event that unfolded with Officer Kaplan and they stated that he was not listed as being on duty when he shot the woman and that he no longer is employed with them as a result of his actions.

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