VIDEO: You’ll Be Sick After You Hear What Fox News Just Called Robin Williams

Late Tuesday Fox News host Shepard Smith decided to place his own personal spin on Robin Williams’ alleged suicide by calling him “such a coward” That was totally uncalled for and classless.

Mr. Smith appeared to be upset and angry after the conclusion of a special tribute. He mentioned that Mr. Williams once told him an account about his youngest child, Zelda, who once told him to tell her a story in his normal voice. “…one of the children grieving tonight…because their father killed himself in a fit of depression”, Mr. Smith stated. ” And yet…you’re such a coward or whatever the reason that you decide that you have to end it. Robin Williams, at 63, did that today.”

Mr. Smith further mentioned in his evening talk show. Psychologist Thomas Joiner debunks the myth in his book “Myths About Suicide” as Mr. Smith stated, that suicide is a selfish act. Dr. Joiner further states, ”

It certainly seems selfish from the outside… but what the suicidal person is thinking at the time is quite different from selfishness.” Mr. Smith quickly retracted his inflammatory statements and apologized. ” To the core of my being, I regret it. It just came out of my mouth. and I’m so sorry. And to anyone and their families who see that, I’m sorry.”

Mr. Smith stated in his apology. But the damage had been done. However, all the eloquent tributes and respectful comments by all of Mr. Williams’ fans and family will outweigh anything this so-called “journalist” stated.

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