Sikh Man Was “Pulled Off Bus, And Arrested Justfor Speaking Punjabi”

Sikh Man Was “Pulled Off Bus, And Arrested Justfor Speaking Punjabi”
A Sikh man named Daljeet Singh recently had a horrible experience on an American bus. He stated that he was pulled off of the bus and detained for a full day after speaking Punjabi to another passenger. Another passenger on the bus accused the men of making terrorist threats. The two men were detained until the police arrived. When the police arrived, the men were searched and arrested. A bomb squad was also called to check the bus.

The man stated that he was treated complete disrespect and contempt by the police and by the American community members. The officers forced him to remove his religious turban and circulated his mugshot throughout the media.

Daljeet is fighting back against the people who treated him cruelly, having contacted the Sikh Coalition. Both Daljeet and the Sikh Coalition have demanded that criminal charges be brought against the passengers who falsely accused Daljeet of making terrorist threats.

There is a very important distinction to be made here – Sikhism and terrorism are not linked at all. The Sikh religion is mainly from India, and has often been at odds with terrorism itself. Terrorism comes from Radicals like ISIS and Al-Queda and Dictators like Asad. This was is a classic example of racism and profiling.

This incident happened on a Greyhound Bus. Daljeet was on his way from Arizona to Indiana. Daljeet stated that he feels like he was singled out because he was wearing a turban. The police did not file any charges against him. Daljeet stated that the incident has humiliated and traumatized him.

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