Scientists Writes EPIC Response To Article Claiming Science Has Proven God Exists

Scientists Writes EPIC Response To Article Claiming Science Has Proven God Exists

On December 25, 2014 the Wall Street Journal printed an oped article written by Christian apologist Eric Metaxas.

The article claimed that science is ever increasingly supporting the idea of intelligent design. Metaxas insists that the mere existence of life on earth and the factors that allow life to be possible on this planet somehow prove that there was a creator. He stated that the possibility of our existence is so remote that “God” must be the one keeping us alive.

Metaxas, as with many Christian apologist, uses skewed scientific evidence as a loose support system for his already decided conclusions. Renowned theoretical physicist and cosmologist Lawrence Krauss was extremely disturbed by the article, and rightfully so.

He was so disturbed, in fact, that he wrote a letter to the editor responding to the assumptions and proclamations made by the article from an unbiased scientific point of view.

He used scientific discovery as well as continuing research to assure the Wall Street Journal that they indeed made a mistake allowing this article to be printed.

Rather than coming to a conclusion and using and bending science to support it as Metxas so clearly has done, Krauss insists that the findings of scientific research should dictate our conclusions about life and the universe we live in.

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