He Hurries Past Girl On A Bench, But Something in His Gut Tells Him to Turn Around

He Hurries Past Girl On A Bench, But Something in His Gut Tells Him to Turn Around

When you’re in a hurry, you might bypass strangers right and left without a simple glance their way. That’s what this man attempted to do. At least until he caught a glimpse of a concerned woman staring towards a bench. It made him look to. Sitting there was a crying young girl. After a moment, he looked back towards the woman, and she was gone.

He hesitated and peered around. No sign of the woman anywhere. Yet, he couldn’t just walk by. He turned and walked back towards the crying girl and asked if she was okay. He asked if her parents where there, if she was lost, both of which she shook her head. Then he finally asked her what was wrong.

“My best friend’s going to a concert,” she said, “And my mom isn’t letting me go. It’s not fair.”

He explained that sometimes life isn’t fair and that her mom was doing what she thought was right. The mom would know when she was really ready for something like that. After a moment, the girl said that she needed to leave because she knew her mom would be worried sick.

It was that moment he realized who the woman was he saw.

He got up and walked to his original destination – his wife’s grave – and placed the flowers on top. Then he said he thought about joining her, but he was going to take his own advice. God would know when he was really ready.

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