Apparently, Angels Reveal Themselves To Mortals By Doing THIS! I Had No Idea…

Many believe that there is a higher power all around us, guiding us in everyday life and ensuring that we make the right decisions. Some will go to fortune tellers or tarot card readers to get answers, while others will read their daily horoscope to find out what is coming their way. But lately people are turning to the angels for guidance, in the form of numbers. Though this practice is nothing new, it has gained popularity in recent months. You may not pay much attention to numerical coincidences in your life now, but after reading this you just might.

Apparently, Angels Reveal Themselves To Mortals By Doing THIS! I Had No Idea…

Angel numbers are a set of repeating numbers such as 333 or 777 that you may see in random places frequently throughout your day. They might appear on the clock, a billboard, or books, but it is always the same number. This is said to be your guardian angel watching and communicating with you. Each set of numbers is said to have a different meaning, and Doreen Virtue writes in her book ‘Healing With the Angels’ that most individuals write these signs off as mere coincidences.

Apparently, Angels Reveal Themselves To Mortals By Doing THIS! I Had No Idea…

Specific numbers are said to have specify meanings to the angels. 111 is an angel letting you know to take a hard look at yourself. 666, while thought by many to mean something satanic or devilish, is simply your sign to wake up to your higher spiritual truth. 1111 is a number that typically has people making a wish. Instead, it could mean that you need to listen more in your life whether it is to yourself or a loved one.

For those who believe these numbers are more than a mere coincidence, this practice comes as a source of much comfort. Even if you do not believe, you may start to notice numerical coincidences you never did before after reading Doreen’s explanations. There is no right or wrong answer and having faith in angels can be a joy to many that no one will take away. It is a beautiful thing to go to sleep at night feeling the warmth of love, and knowing in your heart that you are safe and watched over!

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