This Officer Pulls Up To School With Child In Cruiser – But The Scene Is Not As It Seems…

This Officer Pulls Up To School With Child In Cruiser – But The Scene Is Not As It Seems…

The America police force has been getting a lot of bad publicity recently. Protestor-police conflicts and instances of excessive fore have been pumping through the media veins of thees United States for years now. But there are plenty of good cops out there too, like this one:

While waiting to accompany her daughter’s elementary school class on a field trip, Christina witnessed something you rarely see. Outside of her girl’s school, a police car pulled up and a young boy hopped out.

The child wasn’t the officer’s son, but apparently, a youngster who had missed his bus. This soft-hearted policeman picked the child up and brought him to school so he wouldn’t miss the class field trip. He bent over to quickly tie the boy’s shoe before sending him to class.

With a snap of a photo and a post to Facebook, this policeman, identified as Officer Kling, was became the officer and gentleman of the internet. Officer Kling had also recently been named Officer of the Year.

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