Cop Pulls Over Speeder, But Is Stopped In His Tracks When The Man Asks Him THIS Simple Question…

Cop Pulls Over Speeder, But Is Stopped In His Tracks When The Man Asks Him THIS Simple Question…

It is estimated that 30 officers have been killed in their line of duty this just this year. Four officers have been killed even within the past two weeks. However, a lot of people have positive encounters with cops. Like Mike Powers, who was stopped for speeding on his way through Mississippi.

Many people would have simply driven off after they got their ticket. However, Powers engaged the officer in a conversation, asked how he was handling everything and asked about his opinion about all of the recent conflict and violence between the police and the people.

The officer replied that things are tough, but he and other officers are hanging in there. He says that he is trying to do right by people and keep them safe, and that his job gets very scary at times. Powers told the officer that there are a lot of people standing behind them, supporting the police.

Powers gave the officer a bracelet that he gives to all of his family members and friends. He says that it will give the officer “extra protection”. The officer thanked Powers for the friendship offering.

This goes to illustrate that our officers of the law are people just like the rest of us, and not all of them are violent or out to get us. There are still cops out there the Serve and Protect and they, at least, deserve our respect.

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