GOPer Passes Bill Banning Poor People From Buying THESE Common Supermarket Items

GOPer Passes Bill Banning Poor People From Buying THESE Common Supermarket Items

There are some luxuries that people who are poor can’t afford. That doesn’t mean that the government of a state has to tell those people what they can and can’t purchase, but the GOP in Wisconsin thinks that they can.

A bill was passed that will ban poor people from buying certain items. These items are in grocery stores, and some of them aren’t that expensive. Some in the country probably think that Wisconsin is now one of the harshest states in the country because it’s telling people what they can and can’t eat.

The government passed this measure in order to try to prevent those who receive SNAP benefits, something similar to food stamps, from buying foods that are not worthy of being in the homes of those who are poor. If the rich people can’t afford them, then why should the poor people be allowed to get them?

Foods on the list include shellfish, ketchup and potatoes. Lobster, crab and shrimp are items that are specifically banned. There could be some religious ties to what is banned as the book of Leviticus talks about not eating shellfish. While it might look like the GOP is trying to save money on public assistance, there could be some religious persuasion in the mix as well.

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