I Can’t Believe What This Cat Stole And Refuses To Give Back. TOO FUNNY!

This is one serious kitty! This video shows a very determined and incredibly cute kitten, who has gotten hold of some money and is no-way giving it back. Adorable little eyes stay focused on the owner as he playfully tries to take the money back. This little thief, however, is playing for keeps.

His game is to keep the money! He backs up his intent to keep the money by slapping and hissing each time they try to retrieve the bill.

This adorable little thief means business. He stares back over the bill, which is kept clenched in his teeth, as he tries to make a get away. Maneuvering up and down a set of steps he only drops the bill once for a split second. He quickly retrieves it and gets a better grip.

The funny thing is, when he gets it back, it almost covers his eyes. Not to worry though, this doesn’t slow him down.

The feisty little thief is still able to meet each try with a slap and a hiss. He continues to try and make his get away with a determined look from those adorable eyes. Finally, the little kitty escapes under a chair- with the loot.

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