He Wore A Hidden Camera To Show How Terrible People Are. This Footage Has Me Stunned

Jonathan Novick recently moved to New York City and was surprised at how many people are in this city. He has a form of dwarfism known as Achondroplasia, and to his surprise even a largely populated metropolis seemed caught off guard at his unique appearance.

He was being subjected to treatment that surprised him so he strapped on a small button camera and took to the streets so the world could see how he was treated on a daily basis. The results are shocking, considering the population of New York is a unique mixed bag of just about every culture.

Jonathan strapped on his button camera, then concealed it under his shirt and took to the streets of New York City. The comments from complete strangers who murmured little man, or little person were surprising. Comments from children asking what is he, and even adults telling him he looked like one of the stars of the television show Little People Big World. As he walked quietly on the subway platform, strangers would break out their telephones and snap pictures of him. People passing by would even yell derogatory comments about his size without any provocation whatsoever.

Being called a midget, and asking if he would mind posing for a picture because he reminded someone of a midget they saw on television were just some of the things Jonathan endures each day. He would only ask that people who see him on the street imagine for a minute what it is like to be him for a minute before making any comments.

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