You’ll Never Believe The Percent Of People That Don’t Wash Their Hands Before Eating

You’ll Never Believe The Percent Of People That Don’t Wash Their Hands Before Eating

Alarming Results of Hand Washing Survey A recent survey conducted by researchers studying the presence of harmful bacteria in public places revealed statistic far more horrific than they intended.

While the number of disease carrying germs were relatively scarce on high traffic public surfaces such as an escalator rail and a wooden park bench, the scariest and most dangerous levels occurred on human skin.

Of the more than 300 people polled at random in a public facility in central London, only about 12% confirmed that they routinely wash their hands before eating. This statistic is staggering considering the amount of bacteria that was uncovered during the surprise swabbing.

E.coli and other deadly bacteria is easily transmitted through the various mucus and bodily fluids which are commonly passed from one person to another. To make matters worse, preparing and consuming food without first following proper hand washing procedures could intensify the potential of spreading the deadly germs. People touch their faces many times throughout the day which allows germs and bacteria to make contact through the eyes, nose, and mouth.

This deadly combination creates an extreme risk of cross-contamination and airborne illnesses.

Simply washing hands with warm, soapy water before preparing or eating a meal will significantly cut down on the amount of bacteria that is present and ready to be passed along to unsuspecting victims. Washing hands frequently throughout the day is strongly advised and people should avoid touching their face whenever possible.

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