Sarah Palin Latest Claim About Veterans Dying Will Make You Sick

Sarah Palin Latest Claim About Veterans Dying Will Make You Sick

Just Wednesday, the half-term Alaskan governor, Sarah Palin (R), spoke with Fox News host Sean Hannity, blaming President Obama on the deaths of veterans who were waiting for medical care from the Veterans Affairs facilities.

“The problem starts at the top, and when you have a commander-in-chief who has not been engaged, and was told six years ago about the problems at the VA, and has just pooh-poohed the problems. Nothing is going to happen while Obama is in charge of our military, and the VA, and our federal government in general.”

Hannity then asked Palin why she thought President Obama might have refrained from holding anyone accountable on the VA incidents, as well as the government spending more money fixing “than in [the] history of mankind.” She stated the following: “When you hold someone accountable, it takes some energy and some resource, and Barack Obama is lazy,” Palin boldly responded.

“In fact, he warned us that he was lazy. And he attributed that to having [been] brought up in Hawaii. It’s his words, not mine.” Palin concluded that President Obama is too lazy to fix veterans’ health care and that he should have taken care of the problem a long time ago.

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