West Point Grad from Haiti Tells Story Behind Emotional Picture

In the current climate of political divisiveness it doesn’t hurt to be reminded that personal triumph in the face of adversity is a story that everyone can appreciate. A recent photo of Alix Idrache at his graduation from West Point reinforces the beauty and strength of the human spirit.

In the photo, Idrache stands at attention with tears streaming down his face. A Haitian immigrant, Alix Idrache graduated as a second lieutenant alongside more than 950 classmates. It was quite an accomplishment given Idrache’s background, and the monumental nature of it was not lost on him.

After the ceremony, Idrache took to the Internet and left a message on West Point’s Instagram. “I could not help but be flooded with emotions knowing that I will be leading these men and women who are willing to give their all to preserve what we value as the American way of life,” he posted before stating that this responsibility was a great honor.

It was not lost on Idrache that many other men and women have stood in his exact position. “Men and women who have preserved the very essence of the human condition stood in that position and took the same oath,” he wrote. Idrache is slated to report to flight school at Ft. Rucker soon. He has stated that it humbles him to think he will soon be a pilot.

It was his youth in Haiti, however, that started the flow of tears Idrache can be seen shedding in the photo. “Never did I imagine that such honor would be one day bestowed on me.”

By the time Alix Idrache had woken up the next morning, the photo of him had gone viral. It received thousands of likes and shares on Facebook. Instagram users were quick to add congratulatory messages on the West Point Instagram page. Many people shared the posts. In response to the outpouring of support, Idrache made a final response on his Facebook page:

“I woke up this morning and found my face all over Facebook and with it myriad of amazing comments about my accomplishments. I am humbled and shocked at the same time. Thank you for giving me a shot at the American Dream and may God bless America, the greatest country on earth.”

Inspiration can often be found in the most unexpected places. It is perhaps not so uncommon to be inspired by the men and women of West Point, but the story of Alix Idrache transcends mere inspiration and speaks highly of a man’s resilience and his ability to accomplish great things despite his hardships.

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