VIDEO: I Don’t Get Scared Easily, But This Footage Left Me With Goosebumps All Over My Body

Ghost Car Disappears During Police Chase Is it magic or high tech or both? For well over five minutes Garden City, NY police chased a mysterious white car through the city streets only to have it ‘disappear’.

The dash mounted police cam shows the erratic movements of the driver, moving lane to lane, sudden exits and even u-turns. The operator does not appear intoxicated, but in fact amazingly in control during the course of the pursuit.

The chase ends suddenly, when the vehicle appears to ‘run through’ a chain link fence and vanish. The police car is shown coming to a complete halt with no avenue to pursue the culprit. Several theories have been proposed by viewers.

Is it possible the whole plan was to lure the police to this particular section of fencing? Is the fence rigged to rapidly fold down or slide left to allow the car through, only to quickly shut before the patrol car? Does the car really vanish in the video or just fade into the blackness?

Rewind, rewatch, one second the car is right in front of the police cruiser, the next frame a solid chain link fence. You decide, did this bandit perform magic to escape or was this a carefully prearranged stunt?

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