This Tragic Story Of The ‘Ugly Cat’ Is A Story More Humans Need To Hear. SO POWERFUL

This Tragic Story Of The ‘Ugly Cat’ Is A Story More Humans Need To Hear. SO POWERFUL

Ugly was a cat that was given a name that contradicted what lied beneath the surface of its skin. Everyone in my apartment complex knew Ugly, Ugly was the tomcat that was considered as a familiar resident. Upon observance I could see that Ugly liked 3 things: consuming garbage, fighting other neighborhood cats and I would dare to say, love as well. The fluctuation of these 3 things had its debilitating effects on Ugly.

To start with, Ugly was missing an eye, as evidently seen by the gaping hole where it used to be. Besides that, he was missing an ear on that very same side, had a left foot that appeared to have been fractured in the past and healed on its own, which altered its angle, making it seem as if it was always about to make a left turn.

One of the things that stood out about Ugly was that even though people would hosed him down and throw rocks at him, he would just stand there until they gave up on hosing him and curled up as they threw things at it. Regardless of these circumstances, Ugly would always try to bump is body against the hands of the neighborhood children, assumingly in an attempt to get some affection and love.

Unfortunately Ugly’s natural craving for love, ultimately lead to its demise. He tried to share his love with the neighborhood dogs, who decided to pay him back with violence my mauling him.

After hearing his screams, I ran to his aid as he laid there, twisted and grossly out of shape.

I picked him up in an attempt to treat his wounds, inside my home. As I was in the process of doing so, I could hear his moans and see that me holding him was causing him pain. But even though he was evidently almost at the end of his life, still, Ugly was trying to get affection and love as he nibbled at my ear.

Not at one moment did he attempt to scratch me, but instead purred and looked at me as if he trusted that I would treat his wounds.

Ugly died in my arms that day, but he thought me something that I never learned from my years of lectures, books, moves and experience. Real beauty is skin deep, and as my peers strive for fame, wealth and outer beauty, I will strive to be Ugly.

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