This Looks Like A Normal Cake, Until They Press A Button. I Still Can’t Believe This is Real!

Nope you’re not hallucinating. This cake can move!
Cake makers that want to create a one of a kind, knock-your-socks-off -kind of cake, can try something known as zoetrope cake display. However, it doesn’t look like it’s for beginners.

Found in this youtube video this chocolate cake looks pretty elaborate. The center looks much like a fountain you’d see in a park expect made out of chocolate (what’s not to love about that?).

What looks like little cake balls suspended by sticks is what comes next. Those are followed by cake buckets of chocolate, some of which look like they’re tipping over. The chocolate from the buckets looks like its flowing into little molds to make chocolate birds. And finally, there are the finished chocolate birds suspended on more sticks after that. Now that sounds like a lot of cake right?

And maybe a little bit confusing. Well, here comes the amazing part. It’s all on a spinning cake plate. When the baker turns the plate on the cake starts to spin around fairly fast. It makes a pretty cool spiral pattern. Then the lights start flashing and the magic happens!

This detailed and some-what busy cake pattern starts to tell a story! The splashes from the chocolate fountain at the center fall into the buckets, which then pour into the molds and the molds turn into birds which then take flight and dive! You’ve got a cake in motion!

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