They Were So Happy To Be Petting A Dolphin, Then They Noticed THIS and Started Crying Their Eyes Out

Jorja and Nataja Howse are a couple of cute young sisters who recently spent the day at Chicago’s Brookfield Zoo. The day turned out to be extremely unforgettable for them, to say the least. The duo were in the midst of observing a dolphin performance that was designed to give people information on what they can do to help these amazing marine mammals.

A trainer on the show staff requested that the pair head to the front to pet a dolphin. The girls both excitedly did so. After the trainer looked in a different direction, everyone at the show realized that the sweet dolphins were merely a diversion tactic. The older girl looked into the direction the trainer was looking in and then began to piece together exactly what she was seeing: her father, an army sergeant by the name of Keith Howse. She was so excited to see her father she couldn’t contain it and immediately ran over to him, embracing him.

The girls’ loving dad had actually orchestrated this entire situation. Since Howse was busy serving overseas in Afghanistan, he hadn’t actually seen his precious young daughters in close to a full year. You can tell by the girls’ reactions that they truly missed their father. You can tell that Howse truly and sincerely missed his daughters, as well.

The encounter with the friendly dolphin was already a great start, but young Jorja and Nataja are sure to remember this glorious reunion with their beloved father for as long as they live. The people in the crowd seemed to be extremely touched and moved by the family reunion, as well — the clapping got extremely intense and enthusiastic.

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