I Scratched My Head When He Doused A Key In Olive Oil Spray. Then He Showed Me Why…COOL!

Being locked out is never fun, but discovering that someone else has found your spare key before you is even worse. Whether you’re hiding your key under the welcome mat, on top of the door frame, or inside one of those fake hide-a-key rocks, attackers know the usual places to look. If your key is in one of these regular locations, it is unsettlingly easy for the wrong person to find it and have instant access to your home, family, and belongings at any time.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a hiding solution no one will ever think of that doesn’t require expensive equipment? We found just the thing, and the best part is that you probably have all the materials already to make it yourself. Instead of those fake-looking plastic rocks that hide keys and can easily be spotted on a front porch or garden, check out this totally real key-hiding rock that you can make at home!
In order to construct this brilliant custom-made solution to hide your spare key, you’ll need:

  • Cooking oil spray
  • Plastic wrap
  • Disposable cups
  • Water
  • Concrete sealer
  • Concrete mix
  • Paintbrush
  • Your spare key

First, cover your work surface with plastic wrap and spray both sides of your spare key with cooking oil. This will prevent it from sticking permanently inside the concrete rock. Next, follow the concrete mix instructions to create a real-looking rock that is at least slightly bigger than your key. It can be any size and shape from a small rock like those in your garden to a larger boulder, depending on how much concrete you have. Remember, don’t aim for perfection – rocks are lumpy and odd shapes, so this isn’t a sculpture contest! Place your rock on top of the spare key and plastic wrap, and press the key firmly into the bottom. You want the key to be at least half an inch inside the concrete in order to prevent it from falling out when the rock is upside-down and so that it is better concealed if your rock happens to be moved.
Next, fold the rest of the plastic wrap around the rock (this will conceal any finger prints you may have left in the concrete and give the outside of the rock a more natural look.) Leave it outside for a few days until the concrete is fully dried. When the concrete is dry, discard the plastic wrap and tap your rock against something hard to dislodge your key. Now, paint the rock with concrete sealer (again, to give it a more natural look and make it last longer). When the rock is dry, your key should fit right back into its custom-made spot on the bottom.
It’s important to place your key-hiding rock in a place where there are other rocks or under a bush so it doesn’t stand out – don’t leave it sitting randomly on your front porch or sidewalk! If an unsavory character does come looking for your spare key, the rock should not be easy to spot. If someone does pick it up, they’ll be looking on the ground underneath it for a key, and because the key won’t fall out unless you give the rock a firm tap, it will stay hidden.
Now you’ll never have to worry about being locked out of your house or apartment, or having your spare key fall into the wrong hands. This is a great way to hide small objects outside that you wouldn’t want anyone else to find.

I Scratched My Head When He Doused A Key In Olive Oil Spray. Then He Showed Me Why…COOL!

I Scratched My Head When He Doused A Key In Olive Oil Spray. Then He Showed Me Why…COOL!

I Scratched My Head When He Doused A Key In Olive Oil Spray. Then He Showed Me Why…COOL!

I Scratched My Head When He Doused A Key In Olive Oil Spray. Then He Showed Me Why…COOL!

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