Handicapped Army Vet Has The Perfect Response To Idiotic Neighbor That Left Him THIS Rude Note…

What does a handicapped person look like? Do you imagine an individual in a wheelchair, or perhaps someone on crutches? Of course, disabilities to not all look the same, which is why there are specialty tags (such as those signifying a disabled veteran) to mark who is allowed to utilize special parking. Easy, right?

That is, until your friendly neighborhood “social justice hero” decides to stand up for the disabled with an anonymous note, such as that recently received by a disabled veteran. This order to cease parking in reserved spots said, “You do not have a sticker, nor do you look handicapped.” The anonymous author claimed he emailed a photo of the license plate to the police, asking the vehicle be towed. Apparently the writer did not understand the “DV” on the plate stood for “Disabled Veteran.”

Rather than simply crumple the note, the owner of the vehicle wrote a reply, then posted both notes on the internet. His articulate letter explained how, by Texas law, he does not need a placard to signify his disability. He went on to explain that while he may not fit the mold of a “disabled” individual, he sustained combat-related injuries leaving him with intense lower-body pain.

While we can only guess at the reaction of the original note writer, this story reminds us all that disabilities can be as diverse as people themselves. And if you do decide to engage in vigilantism, at lease Google the state laws on motor vehicle tags first.

Handicapped Army Vet Has The Perfect Response To Idiotic Neighbor That Left Him THIS Rude Note…

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