He’s Born With Only Half a Body. What a Rescue Center Did Shows All Lives Are Worth Saving.

Bonsai is a true inspiration to all. The wee puppy is an English bulldog who began his life with various rare hereditary conditions. As a result, he came into the world with just half of his body intact, meaning he lacked a pelvis, only had 50 percent of his spine and had extremely small and contracted back limbs. He also was a “Walrus Puppy,” which means that he his body was swollen with fluids,. This condition brought on “Swimmer’s Syndrome.”

The little puppy’s first owners didn’t have the means to look after him. Because of that, a rescue organization known as Friends of Emma in Fort Worth, Texas took it upon themselves to look after him. Friends of Emma is geared toward animals who have special needs.

Once Bonsai arrived at Friends of Emma, he had surgery that removed his legs. His legs were considered to be ineffective because of his aforementioned medical ailments. The goal of the surgery was to enhance his lifestyle and make him feel more comfortable. Despite Bonsai’s various medical problems, he’s said to be an affectionate creature who thrives on nonstop attention from the people around him.

Thankfully, Bonsai is also managing to enjoy a vibrant and spirited day-to-day life. Since he has so many health conditions, he requires costly and in-depth medical care. This is why the team at Friends For Emma has set up a Facebook account for him. The objective is to raise money for his healthcare needs. The Friends of Emma team is optimistic that this tough little guy will pull through.

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