Which State Made The Brave Decision To Increase Minimum Wage Significantly

Which State Made The Brave Decision To Increase Minimum Wage Significantly

The House of Representatives may not be discussing the subject of minimum wage, but that doesn’t mean the matter has dropped. Many states are pushing to raise their minimum wage, not waiting around for it to be a federal change.

Maryland will soon be the second state to increase their hourly wage. Though it won’t take full effect until 2018, the bill will most likely be signed quickly by Gov. Martin O’Malley.

The Maryland bill will not only raise the minimum wage to $10.10, it will also raise the wage of tipped workers to $3.63 per hour. Minnesota is another state to be actively pushing an increase. Legislators are working on raising the state’s hourly rate to $9.50.

Massachusetts is working to increase their minimum wage as well. However they haven’t decided yet on $10.50 which the House wants, or $11.00 which the senate wants.

In a statement, President Obama said, “Maryland’s important action is a reminder that many states, cities and counties—as well as a majority of the American people—are way ahead of Washington on this crucial issue.

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