WATCH: Pope To Oil Executives: God Says Go Frack Yourself And Stop Killing Us All

The political left seems to have called a ceasefire in their ongoing criticism of the Catholic Church. It was only a short while ago that Christianity’s largest church with over 1 billion adherents was a source of derision among liberals.

That has changed since Pope Francis has adopted the view the climate change is largely a manmade phenomenon. The Holy Father’s views regarding the issue are rooted in the basic commandment God gave to Adam and Eve to go forth, till the earth, and subdue it. The pontiff explained that this endowed man with a divine responsibility to protect the environment and animal life.

Any violation of this basic commandment is a serious sin. Now, it appears that in the pope’s opinion, care for the environment and a belief in global warming are one and the same. While that is not a distinction that everyone adopts, the pope is moving forward with that teaching. He believes that clearing land for the mining of natural resources is wrong.

His views are rooted in abuses he has witnessed where large tracts of land which once supported forests are rendered incapable of sustaining life. The pontiff is expected to issue a set of directives for believers later this year. It will outline measures that every Catholic can take to promote a healthier planet.

His counsel is expected to be released in time for the next big UN conference on global warming that will seek to adopt new measures to curb greenhouse gases. Thus far, the world’s top polluters, India and China, have avoided taking any responsibility. Neither nations have a large Catholic presence.

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