VIDEO: This Is The Greatest Dog Invention EVER, I Need To Get This ASAP

Dan has seen his share of homemade treat machines circulating on YouTube. He decided that he wanted to create his own version of a treat machine for this two dogs Mak and Zoe. He was able to build a unique treat machine using only wood and plastic bottles in little under an hour.

The two dogs are both four years old, but they react to the new feeding device in different ways. Zoe immediately began looking for a way to gain access to the snacks that were inside the plastic bottles while Mak just watched with a sense of bewilderment. Zoe was able to spin the bottles with his paw, allowing treats to spill out the bottle when it was upside down. Mak would scramble then to grab the treats while Zoe did all the work.

Dan was simply looking for a way to create something the dogs could play with when they weren’t out for a hike at the local beach. Zoe was getting quite good at figuring out that when the bottles were spun, the treats simply poured out the bottom. So this pooch would do all the heavy lifting, and both dogs would enjoy a treat when the bottles were spun at just the right speed.

It appears that Zoe got even smarter towards the end of the video. Rather than do all the work and simply split the profits, Zoe finds the bag on treats on a nearby table and simply grabs the bag and runs off, leaving Mak staring helplessly at the treat machine.

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