The Man Who Faked Planned Parenthood Videos Is As Vile As You’d Imagine. Here he is…

David Daleiden, 26, is the criminal fraud responsible for the videos purported to show Planned Parenthood selling fetal body parts. The videos similar to undercover videos  filmed by James O’Keefe. The ACORN videos were filmed and edited in an attempt to discredit the voter registration. Similarly, the Planned Parenthood videos were filmed undercover, and edited to make the organization look criminal. But are they valid?…

David Dalieden belongs to a group called the Center of Medical Progress, a right-wing antiabortion group renowned for zealous ideals. Despite working hard to discredit Planned Parenthood, he claims he considers Deb Nucatola, the Planned Parenthood director he secretly filmed, a friend. He even held a mass for her, despite his attempt at to ruining her career. The videos have OBVIOUSLY been discredited. But naturally, that hasn’t stopped conservative Presidential candidates from using the videos as a campaign platform.

Planned Parenthood officials have been receiving threats of violence, including a reward for the murder of one the employees in the video… What Mr. Daleiden accuses Planned Parenthood of is quite simply false and plainly fabricated. Body parts are donated, with the patient’s consent, not sold. That’s reality. The tissues go to help research on diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Any money involved is only to cover costs, and no profit is made.

Mr. Dalienden’s organization is being sued for violating non-disclosure agreements and videotaping people without their permission. The organization is refusing to give the unedited version of the videos to the court, but Mr. Dalienden says he’s innocent. He refuses any responsibility for inciting violence, but threats against abortion clinics have ended in tragedy before.

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