Ted Cruz Admits Shocking Thing About Government Shutdown Standoff

Ted Cruz Admits Shocking Thing About Government Shutdown Standoff

Yesterday, Cruz and the GOP conceded on the new Senate deal to re-open the federal government.

This was done to avoid national default and global consequences.

According to Cruz, the entire 3 week standoff was just a ploy for him to build up his fundraiser list.

Cruz told reporters:

We have seen a remarkable thing happen. Months ago when the effort to defund Obamacare began, official Washington scoffed. They scoffed that the American people would rise up. They scoffed that the House of Representatives would do anything and they scoffed that the Senate would do anything.We saw first of all, millions of millions of American people rising up across this country, over two million people signing a national petition to defund Obamacare. We saw the House of Representatives take a courageous stand listening to the American people that everyone in official Washington said wouldn’t happen.

The Conservative saw over 2 million names sign up for their mailing list which be used in the future to reach out to for donations.

Well this might not have worked out as Cruz planned. Since the who ordeal started the GOP rating has plummeted to all-time lows.

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