See The Amazing Advice Michelle Obama Has About What The Key To Life Is

See The Amazing Advice Michelle Obama Has About What The Key To Life Is

This week, the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, said that splurging is the key to life. She added that splurging must be in small doses and as part of an overall healthy lifestyle.

Michelle admits to eating her favorite foods once in awhile and that indulging is fine as long as she continues to get plenty of regular exercise and keep a balanced diet of healthy foods.

At the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, Michelle stated “How would people appreciate vegetables, if they never indulged in chocolates? It would be hard to live without a little chocolate or a few French fries here and there.”

Kid reporters were able to ask Michelle Obama questions during the special question and answer part of the annual White House Easter Egg roll. She was sure to emphasize to them that you must keep a balanced diet and get daily exercise, and if you do those things, then the occasional splurging on our favorite foods is a healthy part of life. Those little splurges really help you enjoy life and you appreciate them more if you only do them occasionally. Michelle told the reporters, ages six to thirteen, that she tries to exercise every day, so she can splurge when she can.

The First Lady told the kids that her favorite exercise of the week is playing tennis with her daughter, Malia. She told them that her two daughters enjoy various exercises and sports, like track, basketball, and dance.

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