You’re Not A Patriot If You Wave This Flag — You’re Actually THE Definition Of A Traitor

You’re Not A Patriot If You Wave This Flag — You’re Actually THE Definition Of A Traitor

In essence, the article is attempting to point out the hypocrisy of claiming Confederate pride while also calling oneself an American Patriot. The article then goes into detail, elaborating on just how the hypocrisy exists. It’s revealed that the Confederacy was created when members of the confederate states (South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas) opted to no longer be a part of or follow the rules of the United States of America.

The article writer then draws the conclusion that when a modern individual living in America chooses to show or fly the confederate flag, it is not to be misconstrued as a sign of patriotism. Rather, the author interprets it as an emblem of treason.

At this point, the article author moves on to define who the Patriots are. The author explains that Patriots are those who stood proudly with and fought to defend the United States of America. The author continues their polemic argument by declaring that the individuals who decided to side with the confederacy decided to relinquish the right to be patriotic.

The author elucidates more on the symbol of the confederate flag and what it represents. In essence, the author feels it’s unconstitutional. The flag, they elaborate, is a signifier that the flag-bearing individual agrees with the fundamentals of slavery as well as a state’s right to secede from the United States. The author concludes the article by conflating the waving of the confederate flag with turning one’s back on the ideals of the United States of America.

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