You’ll Never Believe Tennessee Mother Drags Her Down The Wedding Aisle Attached To Her Dress

You’ll Never Believe Tennessee Mother Drags Her Down The Wedding Aisle Attached To Her Dress

Many new parents are terrified of dropping or injuring their infant. A newborn can be so tiny and fragile-looking that a first-time parent often will hold him or her with both hands and be sure to take every precaution when using a car safety seat or swing.

This was not the case for Ripley, Tennessee, mother Shona Carter-Brooks, who walked down the aisle of Elam Baptist Church with her month-old daughter, Audrey, dressed in pink and riding on the frilly train of her wedding gown!

Carter-Brooks has, apparently, caught a lot of flak for her questionable decision, so much so that she posted a lengthy rant online defending her bizarre choice. In her statement, which was posted on social media, she claims Baby Audrey was “awake and well secured” on the train of the gown. She also claims that God is on the family’s side in the controversy. Furthermore Shona Carter-Brooks calls her wedding “Exclusive and Epic,” implying that the media attention she is receiving from her child’s wild ride has only served to make her wedding to Jonathan Books that much more special and memorable.

Meanwhile, critics of Carter-Brooks are urging child services to become involved, claiming Carter-Brooks’ actions are not only strange but also unsafe.

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