You’d Never Expect This Angelic Voice Comes From this Man.

Whether intentional or not, David Crowder’s message in his song “Come As You Are” is two-fold. He sings about God’s unconditional acceptance regardless of who you might be, your physical appearance, past or present circumstances. However, his message strikes another cord by ironically casting a light on the way that people often judge each other.

For all intense purposes, Mr. Crowder and some of his band members might be easily mistaken for members of the famed Duck Dynasty Robinson family. He wears his hair long, his beard longer and dons clothing that might cause some to equate him with being a back country farmer. Yet he plays the electronic keyboard with the ease of an expert and has a voice that would be the envy of many a top 40 chart performer.

He wrote the lyrics and music of the song that won him a Grammy Award. He sings and expresses his faith while beckoning others to experience the immeasurable love of Jesus. In the video of his performance, Crowley shares his heart-felt message of hope while chaotic images transform into others depicting serenity.

The camera occasionally shifts back to the artist himself along with band members. Though weathered and seemingly unkept, his clear message of acceptance is a great lesson to all of mankind.

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