Why Fill A Toy Horse-Head With Peanutbutter And Hang It In The Yard? Because Of The Squirrels…

Squirrels are a funny bunch of rhodents. Their merriment, whimsy, and acrobatic tree climbing skills are fun to watch – but they are hard to take serious. Whether on the ground, traversing power lines, or leaping from tree to tree, these bushy tailed entertainers are worth their weight in natural entertainment value. Many people have taken to feeding the squirrels that live in their backyard or neighborhood, and an array of different squirrel feeders has hit the free market – one in particular is unique for its clever design.

The aroma of hazelnuts, walnuts and peanut butter might be enough to make your mouth water for nuts. But to a squirrel these scents are utterly irresistible and they’ll do just about anything to find the source. This horse-head squirrel feeder makes the little buggers work to get their snack, but it will provide you hours of squirrel watching entertainment while doing an essentially good deed.

The key to this feeder is in the height it is off the ground. Dangling by a string from a branch, the feeder allows access through the bottom. Place the nuts or peanut-butter way up in the head and snout of the horses head, in this way the squirrel must climb as high into the feeder as possible, which will create a pretty humorous effect.

This ingenious feeder would be easy for just about anyone to make, but it is a dangerous power. Don’t abuse something this enjoyable, for the squirrels sake…

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