When They Snuck Into An Abandoned Asylum, They Never Thought They’d Capture THIS!

When They Snuck Into An Abandoned Asylum, They Never Thought They’d Capture THIS!

Meet Project Senium, a group of rogue filmmakers who set out to provide their audiences with the experience of being in an abandoned mental asylum, illustrating the immense history and character of a building that would otherwise be overlooked.

Over a period of five days, the Project Senium crew risked injury to both themselves and their film equipment, jumping between buildings and through windows, all while carrying cameras and microphones to create a 10-minute look inside the walls of the building, providing viewers with an experience unlike anything they have ever seen. With stunning shots of the decaying walls, peeling paint, and destroyed equipment, Project Senium reveals the unseen story of what this building once was.

The film, released May 7th online, was premiered to an intimate crowd of cast, crew, and fellow adventurers in the very own asylum in which it was filmed, a fitting location for such a powerful piece.

Out of respect for the building, and in an effort to slow the pace at which it is being destroyed, the filmmakers have decided not to reveal the location of the asylum.

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