What Trump Wants To Do With U.S. Ebola Victims Will Leave You Feeling Beyond Sick

What Trump Wants To Do With U.S. Ebola Victims Will Leave You Feeling Beyond Sick

Donald Trump believes the United States of America has far too many issues to deal with already such as the economy, illegal immigration, taxation, etc. In fact, the nation has so many problems to deal with that we are not prepared to nurse Americans who have fallen sick with the deadly Ebola virus.

Mr. Trump believes that despite the noble purposes the victims were serving in offering medical services to the Ebola infected people of Africa, those who fall ill should remain in Africa. He considers this hard line approach to be in harmony with the natural consequences they must face for their devotion to humanity.

His comments were made via Twitter the weekend. Perhaps Trump views the care of the Ebola virus victims as playing out much like the film “Outbreak”, but nothing could be further from the truth. The conditions under which the patients will be treated in will prevent the spread of the virus.

Ebola is spread by contact with body fluids including sweat and saliva. Part of the reason why the outbreak is hard to contain in Africa is the poverty. Even the clinics offering support to the victims often lack many of the safeguards which ultimately led to American physicians contracting the virus.

It is surprisingly ignorant of Trump to sound the alarm of an outbreak spreading throughout the country. The fact is the infection people are Americans and deserve the best possible care here at home. He would demand no less if one of his children were among the victims.

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