What Started Out As A Normal Patio Build, Quickly Turned Into Something I Wish I Knew About Sooner!

What Started Out As A Normal Patio Build, Quickly Turned Into Something I Wish I Knew About Sooner!

Many people are cat or dog lovers, while some people don’t like either furry companion. For those to us who are cat people, indoor vs outdoor cat situations are very real. Cats enjoy the cool breezes, grass underneath their little paws, and the great outdoors, in general. However, there are dangers out there for our ever curious feline friends. Traffic,other animals,and other issues can pose threats to our beloved pets.

Many people are turning to building “catios.” These are unique, breezy places that are enclosed for cats to enjoy the outdoors, safely. “Catios” combine patios with an enclosed cat area. Some “catios” are small with wood floors and some elevated places for cats to lounge. While others are very large and have the grass and dirt for flooring.

Some “catios” include furniture for feline’s faithful owners where both cats and their human counterparts can relax outdoors together. “Catios” enable cats to watch wildlife, feel wind and breeze on their fur and nap in the sunlight. Cats are getting the benefits of being outdoors while owners have the peace of mind that they are safely enjoying being outside.

Vet bills can be lowered by allowing cats to be outside in a controlled setting. You won’t have to worry about tussles with neighborhood cats or your cat having a run in with some dangerous wildlife in your area. “Catios” can be elaborate or simple designs, that part is up to you. So, if you want your cat to enjoy indoor time, as well as be let out to explore, “catios” are an ideal solution.


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