Watch This Cat Do THE Funniest Thing!!

The owner of a black and white tuxedo cat recently posted an online video of her feline, proclaiming “My Cat Just Did the FUNNIEST Thing” and insisting that she couldn’t stop laughing.

At the start of the video, her cat seems a bit nervous, pacing back and forth in front of her, unsure of whether or not he wants to be photographed. He seems to look around in every direction to see if anyone is taking notice of his actions. Then, all of a sudden, the cat does a pretty amazing thing.

He leaps off the ground and begins to bounce away from his owner, supporting himself completely on his two hind feet as he hops away from her as though he is a rabbit rather than a full grown cat. As the cat bounces away, the owner squeals with delight to discover that her “Mr. Bouncy Cat” has a previously undiscovered talent that might even earn him a spot on David Letterman’s “Stupid Pet Tricks” on his weeknight talk show on CBS.

Her cat manages to complete a full four bounces on his hind legs before returning to his normal stance of using all four feet to get around.

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