VIDEO: This Weird Trick Shows How To Draw A Perfect Freehand Circle Easily. You HAVE To Try This

Drawing a perfect circle on a piece of paper might appear to be a challenge if you do not have a template or tool to help. What many people do not realize is there is a simply way to make a perfect circle on that paper using nothing more that your drawing hand and the writing instrument.

If you want to create perfectly round circles each time, simply follow these techniques. To draw larger circles, place the writing instrument in your drawing hand and make sure to rest the boney part of your hand firmly down on the paper. This region is located right below the pinky finger.

With the hand pressing down, simply spin the paper around while leaving the hand still. Lower the pen slowly so it touches the paper as it is spinning, and it will draw a continuous line around the page that will end as a perfectly round circle every time. To make a smaller circle, you only need to switch the pressure in your drawing hand to one of the knuckles. Depending on the size of the circle, experiment with different knuckles.

The circles will be slightly smaller, but will all end as being perfectly round. The way to make tiny circles is not different, except now you will only be using the tip of the finger.

While holding the writing instrument firmly, press down with one finger on to the paper and rotate it like before. The pen will basically spin around the finger to create the circle.

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