VIDEO: This Newborn Was About To Die, Then THIS Unlikely Thing Came In And Saved Him

It’s not rare for animal videos to quickly go viral on the internet, and it’s almost rarer for there to be a day that goes by where we don’t see a cute animal video popping up on the trending news and luring us in with the ultimate cuteness.

Cats are a particular favorite among internet users, and some of the most watched videos online are simply just cats doing what they do best – being cats! Whether it’s chasing a mouse, playing with the fellow pets in the house or doing something as crazy as opening a door or going to the bathroom on the toilet, they never seem to amaze us – and this tabby cat from Russia will surely know how to melt your heart.

A tabby cat wandering the streets of Russia happened to stumble upon a baby in a box freezing in the street. Once it saw the baby boy, it started meowing instantly to let anyone passing by know what was going on and what was happening.

A woman that lived where the cat was happened to be tossing out her trash and went over to see if the cat was alright, and found the baby in a box! The baby was rushed to the hospital and was deemed healthy and fit. The local tabby cat was announced a hero and helped save a life! This story is sure to warm your heart.

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