VIDEO: I Thought This Was Just Some Ice, But When I Found Out The Truth I Was Totally Stunned

You will be amazed at what a woman did with just a bottle of water. Once you see these 8 tricks, you will want to try them yourself. You can see exactly what pepper and water can do together.

An empty balloon, a candle, and water? You can see homemade magic with an ordinary bottle of water along with a few other items. These are some excellent science tricks. What about Jack and water?

A fireproof balloon? Have you ever heard or seen water suspension? Did you even suspect that water and soap could do more than just clean your hands? You will be amazed when you see the glowing tonic water show. You can even see an amazing site when water is poured over ice.

These 8 simple tricks are so out of the ordinary yet so ordinary. The items that were used to perform these grand and simple water tricks are tricks that can turn the average person into a scientist.

You may want to show these water tricks to kids. These would be ideal for a family water trick day. Everyone will love experimenting and watching these 8 simple water tricks. You must see these for yourself!

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