VIDEO: Here’s Something You Never Knew About Owls. Only Watch THIS If You Want To Laugh

Most people don’t think about owls. For one thing, we don’t see owls that often. They are notoriously nocturnal. Most sane people are in bed when owls are out and about. Also, most people already have a few stereotypes about owls stashed away.

For example, most people associate owls with wisdom, Halloween, and the endless interrogative. Thankful, there are a few people on the internet that are willing to help our understanding of owls branch out a little. The most recent is an increasingly popular internet video by the social media star Ze Frank.

Frank gives the world a humorous video about owls set to soothing classical music and adorable footage of owls. He narrates his video in a laconic voice with plenty of dry humor. He points out that baby owls look like cotton balls that have mysteriously sprouted legs and a head. He also states that owls frequently like to disguise themselves as Muppets. However, Frank also provides several really interesting facts about owls.

For example, did you know that owls cannot rotate their eyes inside of their eye sockets? It’s true! Instead, owls have to resort to constantly swiveling their heads to be able to see the world around them. They also bob their heads constantly for a similar reason. The locked eye sockets make depth perception difficult. The bobbing of the head helps an owl gauge the distance of objects.

You can learn several more things about owls by watching the video. Try it! You can wow your friends with your knew knowledge!

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