VIDEO: Her Son Was Ignoring Her Calls So She Did This. GENIUS!

It’s an age old battle: parents trying to keep track of their teenagers and teenagers trying to fly under their parents’ radar. As all parents of teenagers know, what should be a relatively easy feat in today’s technologically accessible world, is anything but.

Teenagers now, more than ever, have the means to check in and be checked in on, but all of these new gadgets and apps mean nothing if they refuse to use them to keep in contact with their parents. This battle is enough to make any parent crazy, but it was a battle that a mother named Sharon was determined to win. Her solution: a brilliant new app that effectively forces teens to answer their phones.

Her app, called “Ignore No More”, recognizes when a call from a parent has not been answered. When this happens, the phone is automatically locked until the teen calls the parent to retrieve the password. Of course, the teen could always just uninstall the app, right?

Well, that locks the phone too. If an attempt to uninstall the app is registered, the phone locks and the parents receive an email warning them that this has occurred. The teen will once again have to call them to get the password to unlock the phone. It seems like parents may finally have the upper hand… for now.

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