VIDEO: He Took A Piece Of Tin Foil And Did WHAT?! Wow! This Is Amazing!

Tim foil, apart from being useful for storing and saving food, is great for use in arts and crafts. In this instructional guide you’ll learn how to use a couple of feet of tin foil to create a beautiful Christmas tree ornament. For this project you’re going to need a roll of tin foil, a chopstick, a pair of scissors, a twelve inch piece of wire, two beads, and the lid off of a coffee can or something smaller if you want a smaller ornament.

To start, unroll your foil and place your pid or other round object on the foil. Make a small mark using the chopstick on the foil so you know about how much room you’ll need on the foil. Next, fold the foil nine times and trace a circle around the lid on the foil using the chopstick, then cut the foil and cut out the circle you made with with your lid. After you cut out the circles peel them all apart, you should have ten, and fold each of them in half three times so they’re all an eighth of a piece of pie. Now, fold the bottom quarter inch of the pointed end upward.

After you fold all off the points, flatten them out and unfold them all so they’re circles again. Take your scissors and cut each of the fold marks, which look like spokes, until you reach the crease you made from the fold on the point. Once you’ve cut all of the spokes take the fatter end of the chopstick and lay it in the center of the flap between two spokes. Wrap one side and then the other of the flap around the chopstick so it forms a cylinder.

Repeat this step eight times all the way around each circle and repeat on every circle. When you’ve finished making all eighty flaps into cylinders tie a knot in one end of the wire and put the bead on it. Next, poke the wire through the center of all of the circles and put the second bead on the open end and push it down tightly to achieve a rounded shape.

Lastly, take the rest of the wire, you should have about nine or ten inches left, and put the very end back in the hole of the bead to make a loop from which you can hang the ornament off of the tree.

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