VIDEO: He Takes A Wooden Spoon And Traces It On Paper. When I Saw The Result, I Was Shocked!

This simple YouTube video demonstrates simple ways to draw shapes in 3D. By using only a pencil, paper, ruler, and the ability to draw simple outlines, even a beginning artist can create simple 3D effects.

The video begins by instructing our fledgling artist to put a small dot at regular intervals down each side of the paper. Next, he draws an outline of a wooden spoon. Any simple outline will work for this step, it does not have to be a spoon.

You then use the ruler to connect the dots(drawing straight across) you made earlier, making sure not to pass through the outline. You then use curved lines on the object to create the 3D effect. You can use basic shading to give it more life, and fill in your outline a little darker.

The video then goes on to demonstrate the technique done with your hand instead of a spoon, and then a cartoon character. The basic technique is just giving a separate plane to your drawing. The background lines give a baseline depth, and the curved lines make it appear to rise out from that baseline depth.

This is a great project for children, especially for those interested in art, as it introduces the concept of depth to them in a simple way. Even adults may find this simple project enjoyable as well!

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