VIDEO: He Caught Santa on Camera Doing THIS! AWW! TOO FUNNY

Evan’s curiosity about Santa leads him to set up a video camera to catch Santa in the act. When he wakes up in the morning he’s not disappointed at what the camera records.

The video shows Evan all the magical wonder that’s Santa. Evan plays the video and the first thing he hears is the reindeer landing on his roof. A puff of smoke appears in the middle of the room and there’s Santa.

Evan’s face lights up with joy and amazement when he sees St. Nick. Santa finds the cookies and has a couple of bites. Then he snaps his fingers and all of Evan’s toys magically appear. Evan’s face lights up with a high voltage smile when he sees all the presents he gets. Santa becomes suspicious and starts to look around the room. He sees the camera and shakes a finger at Evan for recording him.

With one more snap of his fingers, he cuts the camera off so there’ll be no more video for Evan to see. After watching the video you can see how happy Evan is. With the support of his loving family they watch the video again.

The same joy that Evan has the first time is only increased when he watches the video the next time. Evan got the best Christamas present of all. He got to see Santa in action.

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